Explaining My Face
What was one black eye last night had turned into two by the time I woke up this morning. This means that I’m faced with the re-emergence of an old dilemma: how and when do I explain my injuries to others?…
What was one black eye last night had turned into two by the time I woke up this morning. This means that I’m faced with the re-emergence of an old dilemma: how and when do I explain my injuries to others?…
As I was leaving work tonight I noticed a horizontal scratch on my cheek that hadn’t been there at lunch time. I’ve discovered several other mystery marks over the last few months in exactly the same place, but I have no idea how they’re getting there.…
Fact: I hit my head with the Hoover.
Fiction: “I have a mains supply to my head.”
My friend Laura is an art teacher at a secondary school in Sutton. She’s been working with a new group of GCSE students who are producing creative responses to my tics. Tonight she sent me an example of her students’ work.…
Following an invitation from Tourettes Action I went to photograph their second ever research meeting for professionals working on Tourettes. While I took the pictures I listened to the speakers presenting their latest findings that fell into three areas of research that were: neurosurgery, behavioural treatments, and whether or not Streptococcus infections cause Tourettes.…
I watched Jason and the Argonauts this evening with Leftwing Idiot and his friend Poppy. I also head-butted a door frame. I didn’t have a cap on to protect me, so this time the Tourettes won and I got an instant lump.…
“Banksy’s love juice tasted like Creosote.”
I nearly knocked myself out when I went to the toilet by lurching forward on the loo and hitting my head on the basin. Fortunately I was wearing a new cap so I was one step ahead of my Tourettes on this occasion.
Yesterday I explained that I had two pineapples in my kitchen that were going off. They needed to be cut up but I wasn’t able to do it safely on my own. I shared the problem with Harry earlier and she stopped by the lair and sliced them up for me.…
There are two pineapples in the kitchen left over from last week’s party. They’re on the turn and need to be eaten soon.
I really fancy pineapple for breakfast this morning but no one’s around to help me cut them up.…
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