App for That
A colleague at work told me about a phone app that records your sleep patterns. I was sceptical but bought in anyway and tried it out last night. When you go to bed you start the app and put the phone on the mattress.…
A colleague at work told me about a phone app that records your sleep patterns. I was sceptical but bought in anyway and tried it out last night. When you go to bed you start the app and put the phone on the mattress.…
The search for stillness has escalated. My chest is so bruised and sore at the moment that I have to find a way to stop myself banging it. I went out at lunchtime and bought some elbow supports and I’ve put one on each arm – back to front.…
I’m fed up with constantly moving about and I just want to be still. I was watching TV this evening and found not being able to sit quietly was really frustrating.
Some of my friends with Tourettes have tics that are less noticeable than mine, and we’ve talked before about the dilemma of deciding when to tell other people about having Tourettes. This isn’t a decision for me at the moment, as my tics are pretty hard to miss.…
I often underestimate how much I tic, and overestimate my ability to hold them down.
This evening I made a reckless bet with Leftwing Idiot. I said I’d give him a pound every time I ticced if he’d give me a fiver for every tic-free minute.…
Before I moved into the lair I lived with Emma. We were flatmates for nine years. She’s probably the only person other than Fat Sister who’s always unfazed by my tics, although her approach is different. Fat Sister never really seems to notice them but Emma calmly talks back or shares random related facts with them.…
Last June I went to see my GP to ask if she could help me get access to Habit Reversal Therapy (HRT). This is an intervention for Tourettes that aims to help you change damaging tics into ones that have less impact.…
Yesterday I described a big change that’s coming up in my working life. Today I realised there have also been some big changes elsewhere that I hadn’t noticed, in my attitude to my tics and their impact on me.
I’ve been at a packed bar this evening for a friend’s birthday.…
I’ve finally handed in my notice. To do this I had to travel all the way across the borough and hand it in to three different people in different buildings.
I’ve been worrying a lot about whether or not I’ve made the right decision but now it’s finally done and there’s no going back, I’m looking forward to the challenges of a new job.…
I’ve just got back from a massive work away-day. My team is one of about eight local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service teams (CAMHS) in the borough. We all work in different buildings so I haven’t really met anyone outside my own team before.…
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