Bunny Bathes in Baclofen
Baclofen, the new drug I’m taking, comes as a liquid. My arm tics make taking it with a teaspoon impossible so I use a syringe. It’s a syringe without a needle so I can just squirt the medication straight into my mouth.…
Baclofen, the new drug I’m taking, comes as a liquid. My arm tics make taking it with a teaspoon impossible so I use a syringe. It’s a syringe without a needle so I can just squirt the medication straight into my mouth.…
Leftwing Idiot’s parents live very near the hospital where I go to see my consultant and we popped in to see them before my appointment there this afternoon.
Leftwing Idiot’s dad showed me some messages that Leftwing Idiot had made with a label maker when he was a child.…
During yet another ‘ticcing fit’ earlier, my arms contorted and my hands locked into a fixed position that happened to be over my tits so it looked and felt as if I was touching myself up. This made me and Leftwing Idiot laugh.…
I’ve talked a number of times before about the strong sensations I sometimes get from my tics. In the last couple of weeks these have been giving me bouts of intense discomfort. When they happen I move constantly with no control over what I’m doing.…
This evening along with Fran, Claire and Poppy I went to watch my friend Ruth perform. She’s a singer and along with five other people with Tourettes she showcased her talent at tonight’s event – Tourettes Live in London.
The show is part of a documentary which is being made about Ruth and the other young musicians.…
Dear Prime Minster,
I’m sure you have been told about the petitions and the protests. I’m sure you will have been driven past the billboards begging you to think again. You must know the criticisms of your health bill and I’m certain you’ll have learnt your responses by heart.…
This evening Leftwing Idiot, Poppy and I went to Westminster to a Save Our NHS rally.
There are only thirteen days left to oppose the Health and Social Care Bill. If it’s allowed to pass it’ll lead to the destruction of our National Health Service (NHS).…
This afternoon I got a glimpse of what life would be like in a boy band.
It happened on my way to lunch with Bunny when I dropped to the ground with a ‘ticcing fit’ in a back road near my office.…
Dear Spine,
I really thought you’d matured and moved on from all this wriggling. That sort of carry on is so 2010 and I’m not impressed. I courteously request you stop sending painful pulsating sensations through my body.
I’m looking forward to your cooperation in this matter.…
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