For When Your Teacher Needs It

When I was twelve I threw a basketball into my PE teacher’s face. The whole class had been told not to touch the balls, but to my horror I did just that: I picked up the ball and hurled it hard into his face.…
When I was twelve I threw a basketball into my PE teacher’s face. The whole class had been told not to touch the balls, but to my horror I did just that: I picked up the ball and hurled it hard into his face.…
Yesterday I wrote about the tears I shed on my journey to work.
Tonight on my way home, things couldn’t have felt more different. I felt energized, happy and steady in a way that I can’t put into words.
And the reason for this?…
I’ve just had a day of great meetings about really exciting projects and coming events. They’ve been in incredible places across London, including Tate Modern, the Wellcome Trust and Battersea Arts Centre. But I’m not going to discuss any of these.…
It’s now over twelve days since Donald Trump was elected as the next President of the USA. Like many people in the States and across the globe I was deeply saddened that such a divisive, openly sexist, racist and ableist campaign had resonated with so many people.…
When I went to my GP this morning the surgery was predictably busy so everyone had a long wait. But I didn’t mind because I’ve learnt over the last few years that waiting rooms can be a hotbed of lovely interactions with children, and today proved me right.…
I mentioned the other day that I’d started my Christmas shopping online. Today a lot of the items I’d ordered began to arrive. A crucial part of my strategy to avoid telling people what I’ve got them is to decide who gets what at the last minute.…
I’ve been hanging out with Poppy today. It’s the first full day we’ve had together for a while and we’d planned to go to an exhibition. But when we woke this morning the world outside was dark, not even a crack of light making it through the blanket of swollen clouds, and with the rain drumming down we decided to stay indoors.…
It was dark when I woke, but I could hear the gentle chatter of people in the kitchen downstairs. I tugged the curtains and a small crack turned into a cascade of light. Through the window I could see hundreds of houses in the valley below, arranged in neat rows, tiny, cuddled together under a huge clear sky.…
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