Freak Show
An Open Letter to Nick Gorse, Dean of Camberwell.
Dear Nick,
A few weeks ago, on the spur of the moment, four friends and I chose to go to the private view of the BA degree show at Camberwell College of Art.…
An Open Letter to Nick Gorse, Dean of Camberwell.
Dear Nick,
A few weeks ago, on the spur of the moment, four friends and I chose to go to the private view of the BA degree show at Camberwell College of Art.…
A couple of weeks ago my friend Sally sent me a message with a link to a project called ‘Hello Lamp Post’ saying, ‘I saw this and thought of you’.
It’s not surprising that it made her think of me given my tics’ fascination with the lamp-post I can see from my bedroom window.…
Last night Poppy and I were hanging out at Leftwing Idiot’s and while we were all in the living room deciding what to watch, my tics started berating yet another inanimate object in his flat.
The focus of their attention this time was a pile of four books under the sofa which are there to stop it sagging too much in the middle.…
Last night Leftwing Idiot and I headed into town for a night of comedy at the Bloomsbury Theatre. Mixing Tourettes Syndrome and live performance can have unexpected and volatile results so I’m extremely careful in choosing what to go and see and where to go and see it.…
This morning I woke up late but cheerful. I don’t usually work on Saturdays but today I did because I was covering for a colleague. For no clear reason my tics decided it would be a good morning for a Tourettes re-working of a traditional Scottish song, The Bonnie Bonnie Banks O’ Loch Lomond, so as I rushed about getting ready, Zoë, my support worker, frantically scribbled down my new lyrics.…
Last month has raced by for me, but for all you Taureans anticipating your own personal predictions I’m sure it’s felt like forever.
Four weeks ago I posted the first of my tic-inspired horoscopes and lots of people asked if there’d be one for their star sign.…
I’ve written before about my tics’ strange ability to see into the future. They were able to predict the Jimmy Savile scandal long before the story broke, and they’ve become so finely tuned that I’ve decided to share their clairvoyance in my World of the Zodiac video horoscope.…
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about going to watch a film in public for the first time in years. That time it was in the back room of a pub with about thirty other people. Tonight I scaled up a bit and watched an amazing documentary at SOAS, along with about a hundred others.…
I woke up this morning after a long and comfortable sleep in a very smart Dublin hotel. Leftwing Idiot and I are planning to take it easy this morning after a busy but enjoyable day yesterday.
I’ll fill you in on what happened after I popped my post up in the early hours of yesterday morning.…
I haven’t been to the cinema in a long time, largely because I feel uncomfortable about the amount of noise I make while the film’s on. I think the last time I went was to see A Prophet and that was years ago.…
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