Amazing Waves
When I was invited to go on Russell Howard’s Good News and talk about my life with Tourettes, l had no idea it would be so much fun. And I could never have predicted how overwhelming and warm the response would be.…
When I was invited to go on Russell Howard’s Good News and talk about my life with Tourettes, l had no idea it would be so much fun. And I could never have predicted how overwhelming and warm the response would be.…
My working week’s looked a bit different from usual for the last couple of weeks because I’ve been focusing on our forthcoming Broadcast From Biscuit Land. As a result I’ve missed a lot of this week’s half term playscheme. But one thing I was determined not to miss was the annual magical Halloween trail at our nature garden.…
A couple of days ago I wrote about Leftwing Idiot’s blossoming friendship with Siri, his new phone’s voice-activation system. He persuaded me to set Siri up on my phone too, but her responses to my tics were inconsistent and I doubt it’s something I’ll make much use of.…
It’s fair to say that, when it comes to technology, Left Wing Idiot is an “early adopter”. The one notable exception to this has been his stubborn refusal to get a smart phone.
Much to my amusement he recently gave in and ordered a brand new handset, complete with voice activation.…
Fat Sister is a doctor. She’s been one for the last six years, and before that spent six years at medical school. Her whole adult life has been dedicated to medicine.
Anyone who knows Fat Sister will also know that she speaks her mind, has clear political views and cares passionately about her patients and the NHS.…
Over the last year of performing Backstage In Biscuit Land I’ve met loads of great people. One of them is Josh, and he’s written a guest blog on a very important issue – five words that we can use to make the world a more inclusive place.…
The expression usually goes ‘Your dinner’s in the dog’. But that wasn’t the case tonight though when the dog was on me, the dinner was on the floor, and Olive? Olive was struggling to decide which crisis to deal with first.…
I’m saying, “I love cats” a lot at the moment – I mean a ridiculous amount. Every few minutes I announce my adoration of felines, and it’s driving me crazy.
The thing is if I’m honest, I’m not that fussed about cats.…
At the start of a ‘ticcing fit’ I usually make a repetitive noise that sounds like the word, ‘How’.
At the weekend, while I was in Northern Ireland with the Backstage In Biscuit Land crew, I started having a fit. Chopin and Leftwing Idiot came to help me, but as well as keeping me safe they decided to sing songs that started with the word ‘how’.…
Today began way earlier than I would’ve liked. I was out of bed and climbing into a cab by 4:30am! On the plus side, I’m now in Belfast where we’ve just finished our first performance of Backstage in Biscuit Land since Edinburgh.…
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